Alabama wants their song back, Kentucky Fried Ninnies!

The moving process continues and continually winds down.  Soon there will be nothing left to do but move somewhere else.  Ha.  Haha.  Ha.

One day of heavy lifting remains, but there has been talk of recruiting someone else to help me do it and that will probably take a little time.  Between the help and the rest it should be no big deal.  And if I get horribly maimed in the process I’ll have more time to work on being clever. After all, I’ll have to get there some day.

As I mentioned yesterday I was fiercely hungry all day while we were doing the majority of the moving.  When I get that kind of hungry I find myself craving very specific things, and needing to avoid certain things or my old acid reflux damage will punish me.  The flavor of the day, during lunch anyway, was chicken.

Normally I’m not a tremendous fan of chicken.  I can cook it and do when other people want it; but for myself I’ll usually go with red meat or turkey.  Chicken is always a safe choice when my stomach is being delicate, though.  So we went to KFC.  Not nearly as safe a choice.

Luckily there is a grilled option along with the original and extra crispy, so I got to avoid the  pools of grease trapped inside the nutritionally useless—albeit tasty—breaded and fried skins.  The grilled chicken (ingeniously dubbed “KGC”) was lackluster, dry and marginally well seasoned.  But I was starving so it was at that moment the sweetest nectar ever squeezed from the finest fruit of Demeter’s orchards.

Even so, the mashed potatoes and gravy, though surely not made from potatoes and probably having only the slightest relation to true food-based gravy, were the real star.  I love KFC’s mashed potatoes and gravy.  I probably could have just gotten two pounds of mashed potatoes and gravy and called it lunch.

I also love their biscuits.  With a fiery passion I love their biscuits.  I try to make buttermilk biscuits on my own sometimes, but it’s just never the same.  There’s some synthetic, mass-market, carcinogenic, cholesterol multiplying agent that goes into KFC biscuits that makes them only slightly less addictive and slightly more legal than crack.

Unfortunately these biscuits lacked that.  Had I not been four or five calories above comatose I might have been upset.  Instead I was vaguely disappointed and vowed never again to eat at that KFC.

The “buttery spread” they gave us (only when asked specifically), quite clearly identified as “artificially flavored”, refused to melt even when placed on the hot biscuit.  Instead the mysterious paste sucked all the heat out of the biscuit and was quite possibly responsible for its cardboard-esque flavor and texture.

It was no small wonder that the place had a whopping six customers at 12:30 in the afternoon on a Friday.  Though most businesses here are like there.  There are too many businesses for the population.  You’d think that would be a good thing.  Yay jobs, right?  Except none of those businesses make enough money to pay employees.  Especially with the minimum wage so high the unions have to go straight to six figure salaries for unskilled positions just to maintain their economy-crushingly absurd demands.  So no jobs.

In short, KFC’s sketchy “buttery spread” and disappointing biscuits are ruining the economy.

I almost did a CotD today.  But then I realized it’s technically a Monday post so you’ll just have to wait for tomorrow to see what it is.  I did post the studio comic so you can go check that out instead, if you haven’t already.  Good night, world.

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