Brave New World…

So midday has come and so has productivity time.  I haven’t heard back from any of the two-dozenish places I sent resumes too; unbelievably enough it doesn’t appear that responding to me was their first priority on a Monday.  And so I’m off to write articles for a company that claims to be London Brokers and in fact is probably something far sketchier and more sinister.  But oh well.  As long as the money is real, I’ll be happy.  It’s not like I’ll be selling illegal words in a back alley.  Cutting my direct objects with cheap pronouns to double the weight and selling oregano instead of conjunctions.

I could probably find a job doing the academic equivalent; but broke college kids should be spending their money on cheap beer and ping pong balls, not illicit research papers.

My goal for this article writing business is 3,000 words a day.  That’s rather a lot for me.  I do believe it’s rather a lot for anybody.  But I’m going to try.  Wish me luck and have a lovely day.

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